Time: all day
A whole-day tour to two most picturesque settlements. Both villages are off the main tourist tracks. Lakhiri boasts a beautiful architectural composition of old Svan houses and some 18 towers, probably the biggest density in Svaneti. If you enjoy walking, you can stroll to Lakhiri across village Zhamushi (3 km) while the driver waits for you on the main road. Otherwise the car will take you to Lakhiri’s main square.
Tsvirmi has much fewer towers, but one of the most panoramic locations and several medieval churches you can visit: Archangel’s (13 century), Saviour’s (12 century, with frescoes), St. Barbara’s (11 century) and St.George’s. It is possible to drive all the way to Tsvirmi and then take a walk through the village or enjoy a 3 km scenic trail from Ughviri paa to Tsvirmi.